"if I could automatically send my girlfriend a text message telling her I love her, and have it sent to her any day and time I wanted to…"
Felix Grimberg txtot founder April 2006
txtot story
Think about how many times in your life you wanted to let your loved ones know how much they meant to you, or follow up about that lunch date. But sometimes, even with all our technology, it can just slip our mind.
Our time is limited, and our day-to-day life is getting filled with so many other todos and digital reminders.
We could all be more productive. No matter how productive we are, though, automating some of the things we need to do gives us more time to spend on the activities or people we love.
Text "happy birthday" to a friend, message someone letting them know how much you love them, or remind a friend to bring that thing… That you know they'll forget.
We believe that txtot will make you more productive by automating things that “need to be done.”